===== Intro to IM ===== **Place:** Inside the teaching lab that is hidden somewhere deep in the Arts Center\\ **Time:** Wednesday, September 21, 2016, 2:40pm – 5:20pm ---- === Forword === * Checking attendance * Offered workshop "Batteries, Breadboards and Blinking Bulbs" by James Husken (coming Sunday at IM Lab at 6–8pm) * Please hand back your //{{ ::w04_intro_to_im_quiz.pdf |Selftest}}// to Felix. Don't be scared – you will not be graded on this. * Let us go through the projects that we have not looked at last time. (The task was to get information from an analog sensor and use it to control an LED in an unexpected way.) More project examples: * 2nd try to show //Theremin as Sensing Device// ([[http://interface.khm.de/index.php/lab/interfaces-advanced/theremin-as-a-capacitive-sensing-device/|link]]) * A frisking machine like by Sam Lavigne and Fletcher Bach: http://frsk04.com * A wooden mirror like this Project by Daniel Rozin: http://smoothware.com/danny/woodenmirror.html * Acoustic Drum Machine by Nick Yulman: http://itp.nyu.edu/~ndy204/blog/?p=141 * [[http://www.markuslerner.com/gallery/outerspace/|Outer Space]] (project by Markus Lerner and Andre Stubbe) * Felix blinking LED project when he was a student: [[http://www.felix-beck.de/?/object/irauch/|iSmoke]] === Power on === Todays lecture and lab session will be about //Analog output, tone & servo// \\ Matt pointed during class to [[http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/TimerPWMCheatsheet|this PWM Cheatsheet]] ---- === Homework === == Assignment == Start your stupid pet trick ([[intro_to_im_10-03-16|Due Oct 3]]). Show off your knowledge of all things I/O (incorporate an input and output that demonstrates some basic algorithmic processing). ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqAUmgE3WyM|here’s a great version of this concept]]) Please also check out following additional code examples that refer to the last three lecture/lab sessions. If you have any questions grab a [[http://intro16.nyuad.im/index.php/helping-hands/|Helping Hand]] \\ Session 2: https://github.com/NYUAD-IM/Intro-To-IM-F2015/tree/master/digitalInOut \\ Session 3: https://github.com/NYUAD-IM/Intro-To-IM-F2015/tree/master/VariablesAnalogIn \\ Session 4: https://github.com/NYUAD-IM/Intro-To-IM-F2015/tree/master/analogOut \\