===== Plastic Fantastic !? ===== Location: A5-001\\ Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2020, 8:00AM – 5:00PM ---- ===== Morning: Excursion to Borouge ===== For the visit of [[http://www.borouge.com/Innovation/Pages/InnovationCentre.aspx|Borouge Innovation Center Abu Dhabi]] (located at [[https://goo.gl/maps/RsRrdaTBWMP2|Sas Al Nakhl]]) please bring __a valid ID for their security Reception__ to sign in and get the center badge. Please also be aware of their dress code: No transparent (see-through) clothing, no shorts and no skirts above the knees, no sleeveless shirts, no jeans and clothing with profanity, no tight clothing, no sportswear. ===== Afternoon: Case-Study presentations ===== |< 100% 50px 400px 150px - >| |02|The origin of oil (Jurassic era) |[[:pf20_jan-08|WED, Jan-08-20]] |Nhu | |03|A short history of the petroleum industry |[[:pf20_jan-08|WED, Jan-08-20]] |Shamsa | ===== Bioplastic Workshop =====