Material and component list — //[[|Felix Beck]] 2016/11/06 05:36// |Hamza | \\ Arduino UNO board, 3 Servo motors, rope, wood, hot glue, pc, screen, keyboard, mouse, smoke ring machine, Watson software, sweet smelling perfume, stinky perfume. | |Daniel | black, white or transparent 3D printer filament, transparent acrylic, arduino board, at least 5 servo motors, paracord rope (need to see what colors are available) or hemp rope (or other natural material), audio sensor for arduino, silicon/hot glue. | |Jennifer |arduino board, henna, a bottle for squeezing henna, servos | |Rick |wood or acrylic, servo motor (x2), arduino board, speaker, hot glue, arduino audio sensor | |Anastassiya |transparent plastic piece (size yet tbd), watergun*7, watercolors, pianokeys, maybe stirring rods&magnets, plastic sticks to trigger the watergun, hot glue | |Utku |3 x ball bearings, wood, arduino nano, 3 x non-mechanic encoder (reduced friction), 1 x RGB LED, other simple circuit elements | |Shunya Watanabe |hard plastic/wood/metal, two motors, arduino, adhesive thing, cloth, LED?, motion sensor (maybe), | |Megan Moore |wood or metal, servos, blanket/quilt, arduino, motion sensor, something for the machine to talk (speaker)| |Raghav Kedia |Ferrofluid (quantity unknown for now), acrylic (for laser cutter, preferably higher quality), 4/8 dowels, 8 strong magnets/electromagnets, wood for legs/rest of machine structure, material, material, material | |Janar |soft springs, acrylic, arduino, servo, 3D printer, fast growing seeds, LED lights, motor for spinning | | |Yousra |Wood for box, black fabric, mirrors, projector, laptop (to stay in exhibition) | |student name |material, material, material, material, material, material, material, material | \\