====== Sandbox for testing stuff… ====== |< 100% 120px 95px 450px - >| | **Date** | **Time** | **Sessions** | **Speakers** | |SUN, Dec. 16 | 8:45–9:15 |registration, refreshments || | | 9:20–9:30 |**Welcome** |Fabio?, Dr Samer Madanat?, Prof. Felix Beck | | | 9:30–10:30 |**Session 1: Plastic Waste and Its Impact on Ecosystems** |Speaker 1, Speaker 2 | | | 10:35–12:00 |**Session 2: The Precious Plastic Community** |Speaker 3, Speaker 4, Speaker 5 | | | 12:10–12:40 |lab tour/demonstration of machines || | | 12:45-14:00 |buffet lunch || | | 14:00–15:00 |**Session 3: Low-Cost Machinery and production** |Speaker 6, Speaker 7 | | | 15:05–16:00 |**Session 4: Precious Plastic in Education** |Speaker 8, Speaker 9 | | | 16:05-16:15 |coffee break || | | 16:15-17:15 |**Session 5: New Products and Entrepreneurship** |Speaker 10, Speaker 11 | | | 17:15-17:30 |Wrap-up, Q&A || | | 17:30-19:30 |break || | | 19:30-22:00 |dinner on-campus || |MON, Dec. 17 | 8:45–9:00 |check-in, refreshments || | | 9:00–13:00 |**Precious Plastic Machines – Introductionary Workshop** |Speaker 8 | | | 13:00–14:30 |break || | | 14:30–15:30 |bus-drive || | | 15:30–17:30 |**Fieldtrip: Mangroove Clean-Up** || | | 17:30–18:00 |bus-drive || | | 18:00–19:30 |break || | | 19:30–20:00 |bus-drive || | | 20:00-22:30 |dinner off-campus ||