Manus Et Machina

Engineering Design Studio (A5, 015)
Tuesday, September 5, 2017, 11:50 am – 13:05 am

Poster from exhibition »The Robots – Man and Machine at the End of the 20th Century«, 1992

Welcome Words

  1. Introduction Felix (courses, research, open calendar, OpenOffice, OpenStudio)
  2. Engineering Design Studio (Matt, Esteban, policies, machines, materials, kitchen, events)
  3. Manus Et Machina vs. Human and Machine
  4. About you –> Why are you taking this course?

Introduction to the Course

  1. Syllabus (updated Syllabus, learning Outcomes, textbooks, films, other resources, assessment)
  2. Structure: Project Colloquium (2:40hr session) + Seminar (2x 1:15hr session), discussion topics)
  3. About the Machine project – a few examples to get into the mood:
  4. Constraints for your machine (concept, material, size)
  5. Several machine types defined by last years course.
  6. NYU classes (overview about assignments: essay 1, essay 2, case study 1, case study 2, project report (showing draft report))
  7. Course trip (Global Education)
  8. Semester-end exhibition
  9. Questions?