Intro to IM

Place: Inside the teaching lab that is hidden somewhere deep in the Arts Center
Time: Monday, September 26, 2016, 2:40pm – 3:55pm


Lecture: The Design Process (spec. Rapid Prototyping)

  1. Starting point (starting with a problem or a a design brief).
  2. Research / Analysis / Observation: Observe, analyze and understand the situation around the user. Identify the problem and its cause. The actual problem may not be the same as how it is stated at first.
  3. Idea Generation: mind-mapping, brainstorming, generate a lot of idea in a short time, cluster ideas. Do you find some interesting ideas?
  4. Prototype: Make a quick prototype (paper mock-up) to test out the idea.
  5. Present your Scenario. Organize your thoughts for others.
  6. Critique: How did this idea work? Compare with your research outcome and the identified problem. What needs to be changed/ revised?
  7. Iterate: Go back to the appropriate step and repeat the process. (…but not too far back!)
