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Utilitas, Venustas, Firmitas

Campus Center (C2-W005) ⇒ <font inherit/inherit;;#000000;;#FFFC33>zoom session</font>
Thursday, April 23, 2020, 9:00am – 10:15am


The ultimate aim of all creative activity is the building.
Walter Gropius

Bauhaus documentary: The Face of the 20th Century, a 1994 documentary, traces the development of the Bauhaus movement from its formation in Weimar by Walter Gropius to the establishment of the Bauhaus School in Dessau to its last stand in a derelict factory in Berlin.

Case-Study Presentation

Embed your answers to the following questions to your 25 minute long presentation: What is the big theme of the individual designer/architect? What is the contemporary background? What is so special about their projects? Are those projects ahead of time? If so, why?

13Ludwig Mies van der Rohe THU, 04-23-20 Tiger
14Peter Raacke, Papp Chair, 1967 THU, 04-23-20 Mansour

Homework for coming Tuesday