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Intro to IM

Place: Inside the teaching lab that is hidden somewhere deep in the Arts Center
Time: Wednesday, October 26, 2016, 2:40pm – 5:20pm


  • Checking attendance
  • Felix's Photobook
  • Review Homeworks:
    • Everyone show their stuff.
    • Any difficulties, insights?
    • Discuss printing the work!
  • Discuss Open Studios (November 8th – Intro will have a table to show work. Any projects still functional?)

Functions & Objects

  • Main concept: programmers are lazy.
  • Unofficially: functions are a way to help programmers in their laziness. A reusable chunk of code. Less typing = good!
  • Officially: “a named section of a program that performs a specific task. In this sense, a function is a type of procedure or routine.”
  • Functions are declared somewhere, and then called somewhere else.
  • Scopes (in processing, {})
  • return value (void, int, bool);
  • In Class assignment: Make a “Felix Broken Screen” using functions

The above pictures show Felix laptop after it fell down… (Some examples of student projects.)

  • Metaphysical idea of something (the Class), from which we can create actual things (the Object). EG:
    • What makes a person?
      • Data: Height
      • Function: Movement? How do we see them?
      • In class assignment: Create a person Class, and several people objects.
    • We can clean up the code by using different tabs


  1. Make a screenshot of your artwork (the assignment that you showed in todays class) and the accompanying inspiration, and upload it via NYU Classes.
  2. If possible fill in your name here
  3. Make a visual art piece OR game to display at the Open Studio.
    • It must be 1200x1200px
    • Accommodate 2 “interactors”, who will use WASD and the Arrow keys respectively.
    • Since it's projected from above, it must be viewable from all sides
    • If you need inspiration look at the works of Casey Reas, Ben Fry, Dan Shiffman
intro_to_im_10-26-16.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/19 09:08 by