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Utilitas, Venustas, Firmitas

Engineering Design Studio (A5, 015)
Tuesday, February 20, 2018


  • Attendance list

Intermezzo – Case-study presentations

04Art Deco Tue, 02-20-18 Besart


  • Project Coloquium

Research Methods

  1. Ethnography
  2. Photo and Video Diaries
  3. Shadowing
  4. A Day in the Life
  5. Personal Belongings
  6. Future Forecasting (Utopias, Visions, Concepts, and Trends: The Brave New World of Synthetics – Verner Panton)
  7. Trend Spotting
  8. Scenarios
  9. Product Autopsy
  10. Sketching
  11. Schematic sketches


  1. Reading: Research Methods for Product Design (p. 94–119)
  2. Reading: Design: History, Theory and Practice of Product Design (Design and Technology: p. 239–261)
  3. Build a Mock-Up/Quick & Dirty Prototype of your furniture

uvf_02-20-18.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/28 19:11 by