Felix Hardmood Beck

|   Creative Convergences of Art, Design and Technology.



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Academic Duties & Research Opportunities

Professional Engagement & Friends

Münster University of Applied Sciences

FHB Studio

Prof. Felix Hardmood Beck
Creative Technologies Lab |  Technology Campus Steinfurt
Building E, Room: E-015

Postal Address:
FH Münster University of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (ETI)
Stegerwaldstraße 39
48565 Steinfurt

ETI Office:         –
Phone:                  –
Email:                     felix.beck@fh-muenster.de
Zoom:                     https://fh-muenster.zoom.us/my/hardmood 

Felix Hardmood Beck
Schapdettener Straße 22
48301 Nottuln

Phone:           +49 (0)173 - 75 14 997

Email:             8uhr30@felix-beck.de           => for design related inquiries
                           22uhr30@felix-beck.de        => for family and close friends

© Copyrights by Felix Hardmood Beck, 2002–2023. All rights reserved. 



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